
This section of the Application module is in charge of tracking the behaviour and performance of the Operators that work with Symphony.

Tracking the actions of an Operator

The VoiXtreme engine can be configured to create a log file of each TTS or ASR action perfomerd by either the engine or the Operator. The Symphony client is in charge of uploading this file to the Web Console, which will be processed and used to generate statistics and reports.

For each Action three values are saved: the Action's Category, for voice actions "TTS" and "ASR" are used as categories, the Action's name which is an identifier provided by the developer of the application to provide a detailed context of the Action, and a Value which is the result of the action's execution. The meaning of the Action's Value depends on the Action's Category and Name, for example: if the Action's Category is TTS the action's value corresponds to the phrase spoken by the PDA.

Creation of Jobs

A Job is a task performed by an Operator. Each job consists in a sequence of actions that must be executed by an Operator in a specific order.

The structure defined in a Job helps the Symphony Console to recognize how many times it was completed and how long it took to the Operator to complete it.

There are three kinds of Jobs: Action Graph, Job Sequence and Job Disjunction.

Action Graph

This is the main structure used to process the Operator's actions. An action graph defines the basic sequence of actions that should be executed by an operator. To learn more about the creation of edition of an Action Graph, see the Edit Action Graph page

Job Sequence

Instead of defining a sequence of actions, this job allows the user to define a sequence of jobs that must be executed in a specific order. To learn more about the creation and edition of a Job Sequence, see the Edit Job Sequence page

Job Disjunction

Sometimes an operator must execute jobs that have a similar sequence of actions (not exactly) but they need to be represented as a hole. A Job Disjunction is a set a jobs in which all are taken into account but only one is completed. To learn more about the creation and edition of a Job Disjunction, see the Edit Job Disjunction page

Using a Job

After a Job is created, it must be added to an Application. When this link is created, the Job will be used to process the actions of all the Operators that are using the linked Application. Jobs can be added to an Application from the Jobs page. Once a Job is linked to an Application, it can't be sub-task of another Job.